
這是國外玩家Universal Head整理的遊戲快速流程表


Current Sheets (Aug’08 uploads in bold):

* Arena Maximus v3
* Arkham Horror v3.1
* AT-43 Basic v1
* Babel v2
* Battlecars
* BattleLore v2.1 & v9.1
* Betrayal at House on the Hill
* Blackbeard v1
* Blue Moon
* Blue Moon City
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game
* Call of Cthulhu CCG
* Camelot Legends v1.1
* Citadels v2
* Cleopatra and the Society of Architects
* Colossal Arena
* Colosseum v1.1
* C&C: Ancients v1.1
* Conquest of the Empire
* Descent v2.3
* Descent: Road to Legend v1.6
* Doom
* Dracula
* Duel in the Dark v1.1
* Dungeon Twister
* Fire & Axe v1.1
* Fury of Dracula
* Fury of Dracula 2nd Edition
* Heroscape
* Horus Heresy
* Hybrid
* Il Principe v1
* Jamaica v1
* Jambo
* Last Night on Earth v1
* Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation
* Mall of Horror
* Man O’ War v1
* Marvel Heroes v1.1
* Memoir’44
* Minotaur Lords
* Mordheim v1
* Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel v1.1
* Mystery of the Abbey v2
* Nexus Ops
* Odin’s Ravens
* Pandemic v1.2
* Pirate’s Cove
* Prophecy v1.1
* Puerto Rico v1.1
* Runebound 2nd Edition v2
* Runebound: Sands of Al-Kalim v1.1
* San Juan
* Scarab Lords
* Settlers of Catan Card Game
* Shadows Over Camelot
* Silk Road v1.1
* Space Hulk 2nd Edition
* Starcraft v1.1
* Star Wars: The Queen’s Gambit
* Talisman 4th Edition v1.1
* Tannhäuser v3.1
* Ticket to Ride v1
* Ticket to Ride Europe v1
* Tide of Iron v3
* Wings of War v3.2
* Wreckage
* Zombies!!! v1.1
* Zombie Plague

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